Here at Goin’ Gaming, we are doing our best to provide an excellent social entertainment venue while following all of the guidelines set forth by the CDC, OHA, and Governor’s Office. We are continuing to monitor the situation daily and will push out store related updates as we have them.
>At this time, we will be enforcing a player cap for all scheduled tournaments to ensure a 3-foot social distance for our play spaces. This may be different for each event depending on space availability at that time. Please keep an eye on the Event Schedule for this number.
>All D&D sessions will take place in an open area of the store to ensure appropriate ventilation & airflow.
>We are not doing any card buy orders until further notice. While we would love to take in your cards, we must put a hold on this activity until germs mellow out.
We need to keep our food service open which requires a lot of food orders. With the decrease in customer traffic (and associated sales), we are asking you all to consider us for your take-out option if you have decided to grab food out of the house. To that end, we have made the following changes:
>We now have a food add-on package for any paid event you are attending. For $5 you can get either the special of the day OR $8 in food credit!
>We are offering curb-side service for food take-out. Yes – You can do this for retail products* as well! *At this time, we cannot accommodate card singles orders through this method.
There are currently 3 options for ordering:
1 – Navigate to our website menu–Grog and Order To Go! Here you can tell us what you’d like to order and give us your phone number so we can call, get payment information, and give you an estimated time of readiness.
2 – Call us on our mobile line and put your order in over the phone: 503-545-4892 We WILL NOT be taking orders over the main phone line. Please respect this difference and give us a call where we can take your order effectively.
3 – Text us your order! 503-545-4892 We’ll call you to get payment information before it is prepared as well as give you an estimated time of readiness.
Our deli hours are limited and DO NOT match our regular store hours so please take note!
Sun 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Mon 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Wed/Thurs 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Fri 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Sat 11:00 am – 10:00 pm
***These new ordering options may be bumpy to get started so please have patience with us 😊***
>Typical take-out is always available! Order in-store or otherwise and take it home to chill in front of the TV.
>As usual, we also participate in the local delivery services: Uber Eats, Door Dash, Post Mates, & Grub Hub. Unfortunately, they all take quite a large margin from our profit, so while we completely appreciate your use of these services, we would love to have you order directly through us.
Don’t forget there is a board game sale happening for all of March so be sure to stock up on all of those awesome games to rescue you from any cabin fever you may be experiencing. Details are here: Board Game Sale
As always, we love to see you in store but we also want to keep you safe. So stay healthy, exercise good sneezing etiquette, and do what’s best for you and your family. Our plan is to be here when all of this craziness is over!
Updates from the Oregon Health Authority:
What is Social Distancing?
You’re going to keep hearing the term “social distancing” as we work together to slow the spread of COVID-19. Put simply, it means keeping your distance from other people in order to keep from catching or spreading a virus. This could mean leaving several feet of personal space between you and other people as well as strategies like working from home, hosting meetings virtually instead of in person, and cancelling large events.
Flattening the Curve
COVID-19 is in our communities, and now our primary goal is to slow its spread. Based on estimates from Washington State, Oregon’s 24 presumptive positive cases could mean that there are actually 150 to 250 cases in Oregon today. Without taking the types of immediate actions in the Governor’s executive order, these cases would double each week. By mid-May, we could have 75,000 cases.
In public health, we’re working to “flatten the epidemic curve.” Too many cases too soon can create a spike that could overwhelm our health system, leaving some patients unable to receive needed care. By spreading the cases over a longer period of time, or flattening the curve, our health systems can better absorb them. By taking action together, we can flatten the curve and protect the health and safety of our friends, family, coworkers and neighbors.
Large Gatherings
All gatherings of more than 250 people will be canceled statewide, effective immediately through April 8, 2020. A gathering is defined as any event in a space in which appropriate social distancing of a minimum of three feet cannot be maintained. This prohibition applies to concerts, festivals, conferences, worship services, sporting events, and any similar events. It does not apply to school attendance, businesses, grocery stores, or retail stores.